Peter Lemarc

Sångtexter 1986-2017 - Peter LeMarc (Hardcover)

Release: September 2019
248 Sidor
500 Gram

Peter LeMarc's poetic landscape
For the first time, PETER LEMARC's text production is collected in one book, those he wrote starting in 1986 and onwards.

The breakthrough album, the full-length LP Peter LeMarc came out in 1987. In 2018, no album came out, but Peter Lemarc chose to publish the songs on Spotify instead, four songs with the collective name "I Karlssons källare", written the year before. In addition, the book contains a lot of texts that Peter LeMarc has written for other artists, such as Anna-Lotta Larsson, Totta Näskund, Christina Lindberg, Freddie Wadling, Susanne Alvengren, Sven Ingvars, Cecilia Thorngren, Svante Turesson, Björn Skifs...

Many remember his records and concerts during a long career: "Välkommen hem", "Nio broars väg", "Den tunna tråden" and many many more... On Spotify there are four songs that stand out and are streamed several million times, "Little Willie John", almost eight and a half million times. Then follows "Ett av dmo sätt" and "Sången dom spelar när filmen är slut" and "Tess".

Sångtexter 1986-2017
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Sångtexter 1986-2017
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LeMarc Peter - Den tunna tråden
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