

We know her under the alias Säkert! and Hello Saferide but on the new album she becomes Annika Norlin also as an artist.

First from "Mentor" (to be released early next year) is the double song release "Hydra" and "Pengar" - one in Swedish, the other in English, an arrangement that applies to the album in general.

"This time there was no overarching thought, rather a song by song feeling, a bit like a medley."

On the new album, Annika Norlin has worked with HYENA/Andreas Söderlund, who also produced her debut record.

"The fact that it was half in Swedish and half in English is mostly due to the fact that I probably wrote texts in both languages ​​for most of the songs, then I took what I thought was the best", says Annika Norlin. "In the past, I've been driven by ideas: 'Now I'm going to make a record like this.' This time there was no overarching idea, rather a song by song feeling, a bit like a mixtape."

Having previously used aliases like Säkert! (for the Swedish-language records) and Hello Saferide (for the English-language records) she becomes on "Mentor", a record that unites both languages, Annika Norlin also as an artist.

"Myself, I was thinking of taking a third alias, but I received friendly advice that it might already be a bit difficult to understand with only two. So then I swallowed the instinct and so I have to live with the horror of releasing under my own name this time."

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